Some of our Design team recently visited the Pro Clima Hub in Penrose, Auckland.
The Hub is a one-of-a-kind facility showcasing advanced building systems for healthy, energy efficient and durable buildings, and providing training for building professionals. The facility has an actual Passive House built inside it, which was really interesting for our team!
Passive Houses result in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for heating or cooling.
It’s quite interesting to see how much better the room climate is in those buildings. It reinforced for me,
that long term thinking is the way to go – even though it might be more expensive initially, in the long term (running costs and the like) a Passive House is more efficient and economic, and definitely healthier!!!Going forward, we’ll aim to engage in dialogue with clients about how to improve their buildings and create better buildings for better lives.
Read more about Passive House Design here.